Y! Alert: twitter

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Google tests game-mechanics strategies with Recyclebank Top
Its Google Analytics product will be testing a new beta in partnership with eco-rewards company Recyclebank, as a means of testing the limits and promises of "gamification."
Report: Apple orders 12 petabytes of storage Top
Apple has reportedly ordered 12 petabytes worth of storage infrastructure from Isilon Systems, presumably for the newest of its data centers. Is this just an upgrade or something larger?
Singing the South American 'CDMA blues' Top
I hope Verizon doesn't read this. It's been so good to me the past six months, but now that I'm heading to Latin America again, all I can think about is AT&T.
How I nearly got scammed on Facebook Top
A cautionary tale that may save you a few hundred--or a few thousand--dollars next time you get a message pleading for help.
Microsoft and Toyota partner on smart-grid tech Top
The Japanese automaker agrees to use technology from the software giant for its smart-grid system that promises more energy-efficient living.
Novell does Mono for Android Top
Novell unveils Mono for Android, a toolset that will let developers create .Net and C# applications for Google's Linux-based mobile operating system using Microsoft Visual Studio.
Net trade group protests French data retention rules Top
A group representing Google, Facebook, and others doing business in France is taking its case to court over regulations that require the companies to keep user data for a year.
Apple's iAds app found to bend App Store rules Top
An application released by Apple yesterday that lets users browse iAd campaigns and save ads they like has been discovered to be breaking Apple's own App Store guidelines.


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