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Save time by filing your taxes online (video) Top
CNET's Kara Tsuboi provides pencil pushers with a few simple steps to join the 70 percent of Americans who file their taxes online.
Tax season tips for safe online filing Top
Seventy percent of Americans are filing their taxes online. If you're one of them, it's smart to take some extra steps to ensure your personal information is secure. CNET.com's Kara Tsuboi reports.
Bing's iPad app takes aim at Safari Top
Bing's new iPad app is more than just a larger version of its iPhone and iPod Touch search tool, it's a full-on content aggregator. But it's also taken a swipe or two at Safari.
GE to build massive thin-film U.S. solar plant Top
The thin-film solar cells to be produced, which will feature 12.8 percent efficiency, were developed by PrimeStar Solar, which is now being acquired by GE, its lead investor.
Dell eyes $1 billion for data centers Top
The PC and server maker plans to use the billion-dollar investment to fuel a major expansion in cloud product areas, targeting enterprises with high-margin products.
Samsung eyeing weak first-quarter results Top
Giving estimates ahead of official first-quarter results, Samsung expects lower operating profits as it faces sluggish demand for LCDs and intense competition in the tablet market.
Google to invest $5 million in German solar plant Top
The solar photovoltaic power plant, sited east of Berlin, is expected to provide clean energy to more than 5,000 homes in the surrounding area.


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