Y! Alert: twitter

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Microsoft names new marketing chief Top
A week after announcing the retirement of longtime marketing boss Mich Mathews, Microsoft moves quickly to replace her with another company veteran, Chris Capossela.
Kindle and Nook readers bash high e-book pricing with angry one-star reviews Top
The e-book for Michael Connelly's legal thriller, "The Fifth Witness," is getting hammered by users for being priced at $14.99, with dozens of one-star reviews. How's that affecting sales?
AT&T still No. 1 on dropped calls, but iPhone owners seem satisifed Top
ChangeWave survey shows that the AT&T iPhone 4 drops twice as many calls as the Verizon model, but customers of both carriers are about equally satisfied overall.
Toyota: One millionth Prius sold in U.S. Top
The automaker, beset by troubles at home following Japan's devastating earthquake, celebrates a milestone for the hybrid vehicle, now in its third generation.
Netflix acquires rights to stream 'Mad Men' Top
The video service agrees to pay up to $900,000 for past episodes of the AMC series "Mad Men," according to a report in the Los Angeles Times.
Dish Network to buy Blockbuster for $228 million Top
The satellite TV provider says it has won the bankruptcy court auction for Blockbuster, which it aims to re-establish as a leader in video entertainment.


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