Y! Alert: twitter

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Virtual-desktop integration touches all professions Top
Virtual-desktop integration is hot, not only with IT practitioners, but with professionals of many stripes.
Microsoft prepping 17 patches for 64 holes Top
Patch Tuesday next week will see fixes for vulnerabilities in Windows, Office, Internet Explorer, Visual Studio, .NET Framework, and GDI+.
Who will profit from NFC, mobile payments? Top
Cell-phone makers, carriers, banks, and even Google have something to gain from you swapping out your wallet for your mobile phone.
Microsoft wants different standard in patent fight Top
The software giant files a brief with the U.S. Supreme Court seeking to lower the evidentiary standard in its patent dispute with i4i.
FCC proposes rules for cell phone signal boosters Top
Rather than approving a CTIA request to ban cell phone signal boosters, the FCC at its regular meeting proposed tighter rules for how the products can be used.
Calculating the net worth of a dragon Top
The math is above my head, but the numbers check out: Smaug, from The Hobbit, would be worth $8.6 billion--if he were alive. Welcome to the Forbes Fictional 15, a list of the top fake billionaires.
Verizon 3G iPad 2 owners report reboot problem Top
Owners of the Wi-Fi + 3G versions of iPad 2 are complaining that they must reboot their devices if they want to connect to 3G after previously switching the feature off.
Expedia to split into two companies Top
The travel firm announces today that it will become two separate entities, Expedia and TripAdvisor. It expects to complete the spin-off in the third quarter of 2011.
Divestiture: When your carrier leaves you (FAQ) Top
Coverage changes and higher prices aren't the only possible consequences of T-Mobile-AT&T merger. Some customers may find that the combined carrier no longer offers service in their area.


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