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The latest from twitter

Mobli: The latest of the video Twitter services Top
When will the onslaught of nanoblog video services end? Probably when Facebook or Twitter build the function into their services...
Mayo Clinic: Man survives 96 minutes without pulse Top
In what they say may be a first, researchers at the Mayo Clinic helped keep a man with no pulse alive--and healthy--for 96 minutes using continuous chest compressions, 12 defibrillator shocks, and capnography.
Republican tweet govt.'s first word of bin Laden Top
First U.S. government report of Osama bin Laden's demise came from Tea Party Republican, not the White House.
Bin Laden's death and the Web response (roundup) Top
News that U.S. special forces had killed al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden traveled fast via Twitter and other Web outlets.
Bin Laden's compound, seen from space (photos) Top
DigitalGlobe and GeoEye, two companies competing to provide customers with satellite imagery, offered views of the Pakistani compound where Osama bin Laden was killed.
1st Rex commercial bionic legs go to Paralympian Top
New Zealand's Rex Bionics marks a milestone, selling its first commercial robotic exoskeleton to a paralyzed athlete who hasn't walked for three decades.
Analysts: Intel seeks chip business at Apple Top
Industry watchers say Intel is trying to drum up business at Apple. If realized over the next few years, Intel would become a world-class contract chip manufacturer.
Gazelle sells original iPads on new Web store Top
Beginning with the original iPad as a test case, gadget trade-in service Gazelle is now selling on its own Web store devices that it's bought from customers.
How mobile tracking can benefit consumers Top
Apple, Google, and Microsoft have recently all come under scrutiny for how they've handled their users' location information on their mobile devices. CNET's Kara Tsuboi reports on why that data is so valuable, and even beneficial to the consumer, when used with consent.
Sony Online Entertainment data may have been stolen Top
Following PlayStation Network news, Sony takes down online entertainment service and warns even more customers that their data may have been exposed in the intrusion into their systems two weeks ago.
E Ink: No successor to Pearl this year Top
What's in store for e-ink this year? Not much--but expect improvements nevertheless.
How tweets helped document Bin Laden's demise Top
An informal CNET poll finds almost half of its readers learned of Osama bin Laden's death online through social media sites like Twitter and Facebook or news Web sites. CNET's Kara Tsuboi reports.
AT&T makes broadband data caps official Top
AT&T has officially started enforcing its data caps on wired broadband services for DSL and U-Verse customers.
Hackers working on Safari-based app installer Top
A tool in the works called Lima lets iOS users browse and install apps and other system tweaks through Safari, completely bypassing Apple's App Store and third-party app installers.
Planetary app turns music library into galactic art (Q&A) Top
45 Minutes on IM: Bloom President Ben Cerveny sits down with CNET to talk about how his new company's approach to data visualization could forever change the way people interact with information.
Bin Laden, Twitter, and the frenzy of noise Top
There were unparalleled levels of raw emotion pouring through Twitter when it was announced that terror leader Osama bin Laden had been killed. There was also noise and confusion like never before.
Apple tops Nintendo in MEMS sensor buys in 2010 Top
A new report by IHS iSuppli dethrones Nintendo as the top buyer of tiny components called Micro-Electro Mechanical Systems during 2010. Leading the pack was Samsung, followed closely by Apple.
Remora ROV fishes out Air France black box Top
An American ROV has finally retrieved the black box of an Air France jet that crashed in the Atlantic in June 2009, killing all 228 people onboard.
Scammers exploit bin Laden news in search, Facebook Top
Within hours of the news that Osama bin Laden had been killed, malware was found on sites optimized to show up on Web searches related to the event and in scams on Facebook.
iOS 4.3.3 said to address location issues Top
The iOS update, which is expected to bring changes to how Apple's iPhones and iPads store location data, is said to be nearing completion.


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