Y! Alert: twitter

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Survey: 7.5 million Facebook users below minimum age Top
A Consumer Reports survey finds that 7.5 million Facebook users are younger than 13, in violation of the company's terms of service, and that more than 5 million were 10 or younger.
Adobe issues CSS Web publishing prototype Top
Ahead of the Google I/O show, the publishing tool power releases a trial browser to let developers test its ideas to bring magazine layouts to Web publishing.
Former Apple exec: PC 'in its twlight' Top
Former Apple executive Jean-Louis Gassée is prognosticating doom and gloom for the PC, asserting that Intel needs to get competitive in the smartphone market or risk missing the transition to the post-PC world completely.
Report: Microsoft near $7 billion deal for Skype Top
Software giant is in talks to buy the Internet phone giant, and a deal could be announced as early as tomorrow, according to a Wall Street Journal report.
Unlicensed Google Music arrives tomorrow Top
Google is preparing to announce that it will roll out a cloud-music service that won't be licensed by the major labels. Amazon launched a similar service
Opening the doors to developers at Google I/O (photos) Top
As Google I/O 2011 gets set to open in San Francisco tomorrow, CNET sets the scene at the annual conference.
Scream at your phone to recharge it? Top
South Korean research looks at recharging phones with the caller's voice and surrounding sounds. Could the science spread and energize the world with our incessant noise?
French researchers demo attack on Chrome Top
Security experts say they were able to bypass several security measures in Chrome running on Windows.
Senate iPhone hearing preview: Don't single out only apps Top
At tomorrow's Senate hearing on location privacy, the Association for Competitive Technology is planning to say that any new law should be broad and not single out mobile app developers.
Fixing the Web's trust issues Top
U.S. government officials propose ways for consumers to interact with Web services without having to be concerned about our personal information being used against us.
Report: Apple using Nuance voice tech in data center Top
Apple is said to be running a third-party's voice software in its massive new data center as part of a push to get better voice recognition tools in its mobile devices.
Call of Duty: Black Ops best-seller on 360, PS3, PC Top
Activision announces sales milestone for Cold War-era shooter; first-quarter earnings hit $1.4 billion, profit rises to $503 million.
CloudTalk: Voice instant messaging that works Top
New asynchronous messaging app is different enough to be useful, but not so unique that it confuses.
SFO to welcome first scheduled A380 flight Top
The first scheduled Airbus A380 will land at San Francisco International Airport tomorrow with a Lufthansa flight from Frankfurt. CNET will be there to bring you the aircraft in all its huge glory.
Developers gather Tuesday in SF for Google I/O (live blog) Top
Google I/O starts Tuesday and CNET will be there to cover the news live from the company's annual developers conference, including keynote addresses. Join us for the opening speech tomorrow.
Researcher: WebGL poses security threat Top
The technology for 3D graphics could let malicious programmers get access to some private information or simply render a computer unusable.
Northrop Grumman Firebird UAV lets pilots ride too Top
Northrop Grumman's Firebird can be flown manned or unmanned, which may allow it to use civil airspace.
Lime Wire founder on copyright law: 'I was wrong' Top
Mark Gorton, founder of file-sharing service LimeWire, acknowledges in court that he knew of mass copyright infringement going on with users and that he refused to stop it.
Cell phone radiation and the law that died Top
San Francisco was right to shelve its law requiring retailers to post a cell phone's SAR. But as the debate continues, the CTIA's reaction will be telling.
Microsoft brings Azure tools to iOS developers Top
Microsoft has branched out with its Azure toolkit, offering it to developers on Apple's iOS platform in an attempt to get them to integrate Azure into applications.


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