Y! Alert: twitter

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Intel: USB 3.0 in 2012 with 'Thunderbolt' Top
Intel will put both USB 3.0 and Thunderbolt together in its chips in 2012, bringing sorely needed high-speed connection technologies to a wide range of devices.
A $55 million atlas of the human brain Top
Scientists at the Allen Institute for Brain Science announce the world's first interactive guide to both the anatomy and the genes of the human brain.
Post-quake, Tokyo a city of shadows (photos) Top
A month after the quake in Japan, aftershocks continue as power-saving measures spread darkness in Tokyo.
A month after quake, Tokyo is a city of shadows Top
Continuing aftershocks, darkened shopfronts, and the radiation threat make life in the metropolis a dizzying experience.
Spotify mulls plan to limit free music Top
For the last year, the European music service has been slowly reducing the amount of free music available to users.
The 'post-PC era' might be closer than we think Top
PC market share numbers for the first quarter of 2011 are down 3.2 percent. The reason? Natural disasters, high gas prices, and yes, media tablets that deliver PC-like functions.
Study: Focus wind power on 'disturbed land' Top
A Nature Conservancy analysis finds there is ample space available on agricultural or industrial land to ramp up wind to 20 percent of U.S. electricity.
Report: Apple TV set could be coming this year Top
The longstanding supposition that Apple is cooking up a TV has once again surfaced. This time an analyst says the company could launch such a product by year's end.


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