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Examining the 'State of Search Marketing' Top
In 2011, search marketing is expected to increase by nearly $3 billion, according to a report from Econsultancy.
Google's acquisition of ITA Software has closed Top
Despite being met with significant opposition in the travel search industry from companies that claimed buying ITA would give Google unfair power, the $700 million acquisition has cleared.
'Star Wars' fan gathers support for life-size AT-AT Top
The force is strong with Michael Koehler, an Oklahoma City man who is drumming up support to build one of the largest land vehicles in the "Star Wars" universe.
Cultural lessons via 'Skype in the classroom' (video) Top
More and more teachers are using Skype to connect with other classrooms worldwide. CNET's Kara Tsuboi brings us to one Northern California class that Skypes with students in Santiago, Chile.
Skype connects students worldwide Top
Reading, writing...and connecting with classrooms around the world through Skype. CNET's Kara Tsuboi reports on a newly launched program that makes these connections possible.
Energy Dept: Obama's plug-in autos goal on track Top
Official says plans of major carmakers indicate that U.S. is on track to realize President Obama's goal of having 1 million plug-in vehicles on country's roads by 2015.
Report: Suppliers haven't seen iPhone 5 sked yet Top
More hints that next iPhone won't arrive at usual time come from new report saying touch panel makers still continue to produce screens for existing model with no sign of that slowing down.
Aussie coal partners with solar Top
Australian coal-driven power station plans to install one of world's largest solar-coal integration plants to augment its electricity generation process.
An open-source geek-out, Latin American style Top
A lively free-software festival in Buenos Aires highlights Argentina's increasing passion for the open-source mindset and all it represents.
Do Americans want to ban 'Brave New World'? Top
In the annual list of most challenged books in American libraries, there lies Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World" at No. 3. And, oh look, "Twilight" is at No. 10.
Google adds pagination to Google Docs Top
The editor in Google Docs can now show page breaks in a document. Also, you no longer need to convert documents to PDFs before printing them in Chrome.
Hulu tops all Web sites for video ads viewed Top
Among all Web sites tracked by ComScore in March, Hulu scored the highest for the number of video ads displayed, with a total of 1.2 billion video ad impressions for the month.
Netherlands tests automated-energy homes Top
Pilot project will give home owners off-peak and sun-peak options to see if they're willing to be flexible on energy usage in exchange for energy savings and sustainability.
Conjuring up glasses-free 3D for iPad, iPhone Top
Researchers in France develop a way to display glasses-free 3D images on mobile gadgets such as the iPad and iPhone by tapping into the front-facing camera.
Mobile-PC shipments strong, but growth slowing Top
Year-over-year growth in shipments of mobile PCs was 30 percent in 2010, but that growth is likely to be 27 percent this year, says a new report from DisplaySearch.
Microsoft gives details on next Windows Phone OS Top
The software giant shows the ability for people to multitask; demonstrates Spotify and Quantas apps; and announces Angry Birds launch date.
T-Mobile undercuts rivals on 'unlimited' plan Top
Mobile carrier introduces an "unlimited" everything plan for $79.99 a month, $20 cheaper than its closest competitor's offering. The fine print for T-Mobile's deal reveals, however, that the data service is not actually unlimited.
GE-led venture buys into ultracapacitor storage Top
Ioxus lands $21 million investment from venture arms of large energy and transportation companies, which are evaluating ultracapacitors for a broader set of energy storage applications.
'The Hobbit' in 48fps Top
HTC and Sprint separately launch audio-video streaming services, Cisco kills off the Flip video camera, and Peter Jackson will shoot "The Hobbit" in 48 frames per second to create better image quality.


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