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GoogQuake: Larry Page reorg lifts top lieutenants to SVP Top
Each business unit is now set up to run as its own independent start-up, as an alternative to the more horizontal division of labor under former CEO Eric Schmidt.
Get ready for 'Minority Report'-style sales pitches Top
With B-Reel's multitouch video chat system, salespeople can sling graphics around on your monitor.
Ask Maggie: AT&T to cut T-Mobile Wi-Fi call feature? Top
In this week's column I answer another question about the AT&T and T-Mobile deal. I also speculate on why Samsung is slow in sending Android updates and offer device advice to a Boost Mobile customer.
Xoom's status fades against iPad at retailers Top
Retailers aren't giving the Motorola Xoom much of a chance when positioned against the iPad. It's Apple's vaunted tablet versus Motorola and a handful of other me-too designs.
Privacy dispute tests Obama's earlier promises Top
Dispute pitting Justice Department against business and civil liberties groups tests Obama's pledge "to strengthen both voluntary and legally required privacy protections."
Flash use dips at top Web sites since November Top
The HTTP Archive, a newly unveiled tool to track how Web pages are constructed, shows Adobe's plug-in dropped in use from 49 to 47 percent.
Delkin offers USB 3.0 flash card reader Top
The new, higher-speed version of USB is catching on in computers, and now photographers and videographers with overstuffed flash cards can benefit.
Time Warner, Viacom take iPad issue to court Top
Companies swap lawsuits about whether Time Warner has right to make Viacom programs available to subscribers on tablet. Tussle reflects growing importance of Net as distribution channel for movies, TV.


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