Y! Alert: twitter

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The latest from twitter

Verizon updates Galaxy Tab, but sans Honeycomb Top
Samsung's Galaxy Tab gets a beefy update from Verizon with performance improvements, a battery life fix, and an Adobe Flash update, but the tablet is still stuck running Android 2.2.
Sony brings Music Unlimited to PSP Top
PlayStation Portable users will able to access the company's Music Unlimited streaming music service, starting Thursday.
Get ready to jet-pack to work! Top
Facebook launches the Open Compute Project, the FCC adopts rules on roaming rates and cell signal boosters, and a personal jet pack makes a 7-minute flight--a new record.
Businesses move on green tech sans Washington Top
Without direction on policy, green-minded businesses are seeking out technologies to improve efficiency, while clean energies may scale up outside the U.S.
Motorola Mobility intros SocialTV service Top
The service allows people to watch television while engaging in show-related social networking from a smartphone or tablet.
HTC profit triples on huge smartphone demand Top
The Taiwanese mobile phone maker posted record earnings and sales for the first quarter as a result of heavy consumer demand for its Android smartphones.
Texas revs up eVgo chain of charging stations Top
With Best Buy and Walgreens as partners, the eVgo chain plans to have 60 charging stations for electric vehicles in place by Labor Day.
Flash use dips at top Web sites since November Top
The HTTP Archive, a newly unveiled tool to track how Web pages are constructed, shows Adobe's plug-in dropped in use from 49 percent to 47 percent.
Report: U.S. to issue terror alerts via Facebook, Twitter Top
Department of Homeland Security plans to replace color-coded alert system with new two-tiered approach and will issue some public alerts via Facebook and Twitter, the AP reports.


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